Hackney One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago (Illustrated)


In this re-imagined edition of George Grocott’s “Hackney Fifty Years Ago” (1915), I have endeavoured to breathe new life into George’s timeless narrative. To provide context and clarity, I have extended the original title by one hundred years and sprinkled the text with explanatory annotations. Additionally, I have meticulously curated an exquisite collection of illustrations, preserving George’s original artwork while adding twenty-two additional images. These contemporary photographs offer a captivating juxtaposition with the past, allowing you to witness the transformation of Hackney over the decades.


This annotated edition of George Grocott’s “Hackney Fifty Years Ago” (1915) includes:

· Maps and illustrations of landmarks and places mentioned in the text

· Explanations of historical context

More than a century ago, in the midst of a rapidly changing world, George Grocott (1846-1923), the inaugural Town Clerk of Hackney, bestowed upon us a remarkable gift—a vivid and firsthand account of the borough as it stood around the mid-nineteenth century. His invaluable insights and observations were originally unveiled in the pages of The Hackney and Kingsland Gazette during the months of October to December in 1911. In 1915, these treasured writings were assembled into a book titled “Hackney Fifty Years Ago,” a noble endeavour that aimed to support the Mayor of Hackney’s Fund for the relief of those affected by the cataclysmic First World War.

In this re-imagined edition, aptly titled “Hackney One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago,” I have endeavoured to breathe new life into George’s timeless narrative. To provide context and clarity, I have extended the original title by one hundred years and sprinkled the text with explanatory annotations [enclosed within square brackets]. Additionally, I have meticulously curated an exquisite collection of illustrations, preserving George’s original artwork while adding twenty-two additional images, seventeen of which are my own, captured in the year 2023. These contemporary photographs offer a captivating juxtaposition with the past, allowing you to witness the transformation of Hackney over the decades.

To further enrich your experience, I have incorporated five historical maps, carefully charting the routes described in George’s evocative prose. Four of these maps are drawn from the Ordnance Survey Six-inch to one-mile London Sheets III and VII NE, 1894-1896, and have been graciously reproduced with the kind permission of the National Library of Scotland. These maps, which collectively span most of Hackney, serve as invaluable cartographic companions to our journey through time.

As we embark on this extraordinary journey through Hackney’s past and present, I invite you to immerse yourself in the pages of “Hackney One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago.” Through George’s words, my photographs, and these carefully chosen maps, let us explore the tapestry of time that weaves together the story of this remarkable borough—a story that continues to evolve, century after century.

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